SOLA Music Scholarship Competition Returns
Posted Mar 16, 2022 | Community Event, Events,
Classical music students will compete for college scholarships sponsored by the Symphony Orchestra League of Alexandria (SOLA) on Sunday morning, March 20 at 10 am.
“The judged performances will be free and open to the public at the Fine Arts Center on the campus of Northern Virginia Community College,” says Sharon Walker, the chair of the Mary Graham Lasley scholarship.
The competition will begin at 10 am and feature performances in piano and cello by students from three colleges. SOLA has sponsored the MGL contest for more than 40 years, except for 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid pandemic.
Graduate and undergraduate students under the age of 25 will perform 15-minute solos or concertos for cash prizes of $2,500, $2,000, and $1,500 from a trust fund established in the 1970’s in memory of Mary Graham Lasley, an active supporter of the Alexandria Symphony.
Prizes will be presented in a short ceremony following the completion of the judging.
The Northern Virginia Community College Fine Arts Center is located at 3301 Netherton Dr., Alexandria, VA 22311. Access by turning off Seminary Road on Dawes Avenue.
“The MGL competition for young musicians proves that classical music is alive and well for the future,” says Walker.
SOLA is encouraging ASO patrons, SOLA members, parents, and music teachers to attend the competition with their students.